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Spusť single player s parametrami: "+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0" Potom v hre zapni konzolu klávesom [~] a píš nasledujúce kódy: god - nesmrteľnosť notarget - nepriatelia nebudú po tebe strieľať noclip - chodenie cez steny give meno_predmetu - dostaneš daný predmet give health - plné zdravie give all - pridá všetky predmety give ammo - pridá muníciu debug 1 - zapne debugovací mód (0 vypne) developer 1 - zapne developer mód (0 vypne) ufo - lietanie jumptonode - teleportuje ťa na špecifikované miesto na mape kill - samovražda map meno_mapy - nahrá zadanú mapu testgun - ? cvarlist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých cvars v hre cvardump - dumpne všetky cvars do konzoly cvar_restart - resetne všetky cvars cmdlist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých príkazov shaderlist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých shaderov na mape imagelist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých obrázkov na mape snd_list - zobrazí zoznam všetkých zvukov na mape entitylist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých použitých entít bindlist - zobrazí zoznam všetkých boundnutých klávesov gfxinfo - zobrazí informácie o grafike savegame - uloží pozíciu loadgame - nahrá uloženú pozíciu reset - resetne nastavenia cinematic - spustí video debug_tankall 1 - ? chain 1 - ? ai_nocriticalsections 1 - ? testmodel - zobrazí tvoj model ai_corpsecount - koľko sekúnd maju byť zobrazené mŕtve telá cg_brass 0 - Turns ejecting shells off cg_marks 0 - Turns bullet marks off cg_drawFPS 1 - Turns fps display on cg_drawTimer 1 - Turns game timer on cg_drawStatus 0 - Turns HUD off cg_hudAlpha # - Sets HUD transparency (default is 1.0) cg_draw2D 0 - Turns HUD and crosshair off cg_drawCrosshair 0 - Turns crosshair off cg_crosshairAlpha # - Sets crosshair transparency (default is 1.0) cg_thirdPerson 1 - Turns on 3rd person view on. cg_shellshock # - Activates the shellshock effect for the duration that you specify cg_showMiss 1 - Shows you how far off you are from hitting an npc if you've missed cg_shadows 0 - vypne tiene cg_skybox 0/1 - ? cg_stats 0/1 - ? cg_noRender 0/1 - Gameplay will continue, but will no longer be rendered. cg_subtitles 0/1 - vypne/zapne titulky cg_noPredict 0/1 - ? cg_selectPlayer - ? cg_tracerChance - ? cg_ignore 0/1 - ? cg_letterbox 0/1 - Turns off/on letterbox format cl_debugMove 0/1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging. cl_run 0/1 - ? cl_running 0/1 - ? con_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on console debugging. dmflags 0/1 - ? fx_debug 0/1 - Turns off/on fx debugging. fx_draw 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, no smoke, muzzle flashes or particle effects will be drawn. fx_enable 0/1 - Turns off/on fx. If set to 0, fx will be disabled. fx_freeze 0/1 - Turns off/on fx freezing. If set to 1, smoke - for example) will freeze in mid-air. g_changelevel_time - ? g_gravity # - Changes the amount of gravity in the game (default is 800) g_spawnai 0/1 - Don't spawn on the map (usually crashes the game) g_ai 0/1 - Turns off/on ai in the game. g_debugDamage 1 - View the amount of health that an npc has and how much damage you have done to it. g_vehicleDebug 0/1 - Turns off/on vehicle debug mode. g_debugMove 1 - Turns off/on player and AI movement debugging. g_debugBullets 1 - Turns off/on bullet debugging. g_debugShowHit 1 - Turns off/on hit debugging. g_drawEntBBoxes 1 - Turns off/on entity bounding boxes. g_gameSkill # - Sets the game skill level g_knockback # - Sets the knockback power of weapons (default is 1000) r_fog 0/1 - Turns off/on fog r_drawEntities 0/1 - Turns off/on objects and npc's. Default is 1 r_drawWorld 0/1 - Turns off/on all objects and backgrounds. Default is 1 r_showtris 0/1 - Turns off/on wireframe mode. Default is 0 Ak sa po zadaní niektorého z kódov v konzole objaví text "sv_cheats are read only", tak skús napísať "setrandom sv_cheats 1". Ak potom dostaneš hlášku "cheats are not enabled on this server" tak napíš: "spdevmap burnville". Mená máp: --------- airfield, berlin, brecourt, burnville, carride, chateau, dam, dawnville, factory, hurtgen, pathfinder, pavlov, pegasusday, egasusnight, powcamp, railyard, redsquare, rocket, sewer, ship, stalingrad, tankdrivecountry, tankdrivetown, trainstation, training, truckride
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